2023 Christmas Party

46 of our members had a wonderful ‘home grown’ Christmas party this year. We changed our table arrangement from previous years, with more of a ‘street party’ feel to it and more space for entertainment. Our members were welcomed with a glass of fruit punch or wine. Our local dance group from The Dyas Lishman Dance Academy opened our event with a short but very entertaining performance.

Instead of exchanging presents members were asked to bring along a donation to the Northwich Food Bank – they were extremely generous and the table was filled to overflowing with their gifts.

Pat S, with a little help from the committee, produced a delicious buffet supper for us. Our committee performed a short pantomime of Cinderella and we then played the inevitable ‘party games’. Good fun was had by all, before we finished the party with ‘Auld Lang Syne. Members each took home a primula plant for their garden/home, thanks to Annette for arranging this. A very enjoyable way to celebrate our friendship.

November Subgroup Meetings

 Click on the links below to find out what we have been doing, and to have a look at some more pictures of our activities

The Book club discussed their favourite classics. Walking group unfortunately had to cancel their walk – everywhere was very, very wet, but a few did meet for refreshments at ‘The Shed’. Scrabble had a meeting, as did Craft Group who made baubles and planned their 2024 programme.

Art group and Baking Beauties both had a Christmas theme – Art group made cards and mini gift boxes and Baking Beauties made Christmas mini treats

Cheshire Federation Jigsaw Challenge 2023

Whitley entered this competition to complete a 500 piece puzzle in 1hr 30min. It was so popular this year that teams competed on 2 consecutive Mondays at WI House in Chester.

Our team of Ann C, Jean W, Susan B and Yvonne C enjoyed a very pleasant, sociable morning, although we found this year’s puzzle difficult – rather too much dark green foliage with small yellow/white foliage!

We came 3rd with 174 pieces left -just 2 pieces more than the second placed team. Well done to the Whitley Witches.

Our Remembrance tribute

Annette and the Craft Group have been very busy making poppies over the last couple of months, painting ‘bottle ends’, adding black buttons and attaching 100 poppies to a board. Our giant poppy is now in place by our ‘centenary tree’ at the Nature Reserve on Raddel Lane.

November 2023 Main Meeting – AGM and Bauble Making

The first part of the meeting was our AGM. Pat presented the financial position and Susan gave us the Annual Report, illustrating her talk with various pictures taken during a busy year of activities. Melanie was confirmed as our President for 2024. On behalf of our 56 members Helen H thanked Melanie, the committee and the subgroup leaders for everything they do.

Annette, our craft guru, then showed us how to make a Christmas Bauble. With the help of Craft Group members she had prepared individual ‘kits’ with a polystyrene ball, pre-cut fabric pieces and other accessories. There was a real ‘buzz’ in the room as everyone set about making their own bauble

Remarkably almost everyone was able to complete their bauble before our refreshment break.

This was a real fun and productive activity, many thanks to Annette.

After tea Jean reminded members about our website, and the wealth of information available. With Melanie’s help she gave a live ‘demo’ on how to access and find the way around it – information has been sent out to all members for reference.