Main Meeting March – Halton Women’s Centre

We welcomed Elaine Billington and Vicky to talk to us about the work that the centre does. They gave a fascinating talk which demonstrated what a caring and professional service they offer.

They explained that some clients are referred from other agencies, others self refer. The team deliver practical and emotional support, advice and opportunities to help individuals improve their current situation, gain in confidence and make healthier life choices.

Services include 1-1 interviews, and lots of opportunities for groups to meet together, for mutual support, to gain in confidence, to learn news skills and to have some distraction from the their problems. Cooking and Craft sessions are very popular. Demand for help from the Centre is ever growing and there is a short waiting list for places on the programmes. After the talk there were lots of questions from our members and it was clear how valuable this caring and confidential service is to women with many personal and financial problems.

Our members had been asked to bring along donations and the table was absolutely overloaded with gifts of toiletries and hygiene items.

The competition for ‘A favourite handbag’ was won by Jonty. The picture shows our competition organiser, Janet, holding up the winning entry.

Birthday Afternoon Tea 2024

28 of our members enjoyed a delicious Afternoon Tea to celebrate Whitley WI’s 86th birthday. Our committee had been busy in the kitchen and Annette had lovingly nurtured some Spring flowers to welcome everybody.

There was soon a real buzz in the room as members took the chance to catch up with friends and enjoy the spread provided. We started and finished the afternoon with a game of Bingo. Probably the best afternoon tea you can get in Cheshire!!

Ann had made and decorated a delicious cake, inspired by her visit to the Primrose Festival. It looked amazing. Irene cut the cake which was much enjoyed by everyone, with enough left for us to have a taste at our next main meeting.

February 2024 – Subgroup meetings

Baking Beauties had a Valentine Theme so hearts of all shapes and sizes adorned our table. See Baking Beauties subgroup for more information.

Our Walking Group had planned to visit Moore Nature Reserve as our planned December trip to there had been cancelled due to bad weather. Unfortunately the weather beat us again and we had to abandon our plans.

Book club had an interesting discussion about ‘Dead Ringers, an Agatha Raisin mystery by MC Beaton. It was not a popular book, few of our group enjoyed it – but that didn’t stop a lively discussion. We are currently planning our Book List for the coming year. See Book Club for more info about our discussion and the books we have been reading

The Craft group met to knit some squares for the Linus project while discussing their plans for the Cheshire Show. Watch this space as the year progresses to see what they create!

February 2024 – Primrose Festival

Our friends at Smith’s Nurseries have a new initiative this year, a Primrose Festival, with over 30 home-grown varieties on display.

Annette arranged for 2 groups to visit in March and we enjoyed a very informative talk from Sarah and then really enjoyed wondering around the displays and choosing our favourites – Raspberry Mixed won on Wednesday.

Most couldn’t resist buying some for our gardens, at a very reasonable price. All finished off with light refreshments – and maybe now knowing the difference between a Primrose, a Primula and a Polyanthus!. Thanks to Annette and to Sarah for a lovely afternoon.

Main Meeting February 2024 – Work of Warrington RSPCA

We welcomed a record (post Covid) number of 45 to our meeting, it was great to have such a buzz in the hall. Our speaker was Kevin Mcfarlane, Assistant Manager at the Warrington branch of the RSPCA who are celebrating their 40th anniversary this year..

He told us about the history of the local Warrington branch and explained that they are always busy fundraising as they are a self-funded branch – linked to the national RSPCA (200th anniversary this year) but responsible for their own fundraising.

They are a ‘closed facility’ and do not take animals from the public as their places are full with dogs and cats who have suffered abuse or neglect and most are held there while a court case is going through. The animals are loved, cared for, trained and prepared for potential resettlement when the court case is closed. Because of this the public aren’t allowed to visit, the animals are cared for by a small number of paid staff and trained volunteers.

Kevin’s love for animals and skill in working with them, shone through and he answered lots of questions from members who had brought along donations for the Warrington branch – food, litter, etc. The competition for a ‘cute animal’ was won by Ann Toll with her picture of a black Pomeranian.