April subgroup meetings

Book Club had a lively discussion about ‘Outbreak’ by Frank Gardner. A scary but exciting story, all agreed that book club is very good for introducing us to a genre that we might not choose ourselves. The book proved very popular

Walking Group – Unfortunately, yet again, our planned walk had to be cancelled because of the bad weather and very wet paths. Thanks to Ann for persevering – the weather has to improve soon!

Art Group met to think about ideas for an exhibition to be shown at WI House, Chester in September with the theme ‘Living in Cheshire’

Craft Group made corsages, there is a separate post for this, with pictures

Baking Beauties all made a ‘Bara Brith’, but using a variety of recipes and tins – it was interesting to see how different the final results were. It was a good practice for our entry for the Cheshire Show

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