Our President Melanie welcomed 35 members and 3 visitors.

Our speaker was Karen from the local Pets Pantry. She gave an interesting talk on starting in business and how it has developed over the years. She then shared with us her experiences of a 3 month sabbatical in Laos and Thailand.
We voted on the WI resolutions. Members were then informed of upcoming events, including a Birthday afternoon tea party, a May day outing, a holiday to Bletchley Park and Cambridge, an evening with comedian Jamie Sutherland, a couple of events learning new crafts and the group Spring lunch.
The sub-group leads informed us what was happening in their sub-group and what they were doing to prepare for entries to the Cheshire Show.
Jonty told us about Project Linus, a UK charity with provides new, handmade, washable blankets to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children, who are sick, disabled, disadvantaged or distressed
Members of Craft Group have been busy knitting squares which Annette has stitched together to make 3 beautiful blankets which will be sent off for the children to enjoy.

Our next meeting will be on Thursday, 2nd March and the theme will be A Welsh Evening. The competition will be a Welsh Souvenir and members have been asked to bring along a daffodil, preferably unusual, for a display .