Dates for your Diary

The Calendar shows events and meeting dates. Click on the event for further details. Below the calendar are links to the next and previous months.

March Meeting

Whitley Village Hall Whitley, United Kingdom

Book Club

Whitley Village Hall Whitley, United Kingdom

Cider with Rosie by Laurie Lee

March Walk

Whitegate Way (Ann to confirm meet at Whitegate Station Car Park CW7 2QE)


Whitley Village Hall Whitley, United Kingdom

CFWI (Zoom) Meeting

Continuing the theme of ‘Professions’ the speaker will be Michelle Beaver, a Coronary Care Nurse. A Zoom link will be emailed out nearer the date. 7pm for 7:30

Craft Group

Whitley Village Hall Whitley, United Kingdom

Exploring ideas for the Village Jubilee Event in June.

Baking Beauties

Whitley Village Hall Whitley, United Kingdom

Easter Bakes

Art Group

Whitley Village Hall Whitley, United Kingdom

Painting water.

Group Spring Meeting – Flower Arranging

Whitley Village Hall Whitley, United Kingdom

Flower Arranging - a demonstration by Eleanor Griffiths. Limited tickets (£5) will be available at the March meeting (3rd March). Arrangements will be raffled at the end of the meeting.


April Meeting

Whitley Village Hall Whitley, United Kingdom

Members of the Positive Planet sub-group will be leading discussions on 4 aspects of sustainability and caring for the planet. The 4 main topics will encompass Bees, Bugs, Baskets and Bathrooms. Kirsty from ‘Weigh of the World’ in Northwich will be joining us and leading one of the groups. We are going to be serving tea and biscuits and our competition is returning - to take part please bring along a ‘Green’ item