Dates for your Diary

The Calendar shows events and meeting dates. Click on the event for further details. Below the calendar are links to the next and previous months.

Cheshire Theatre Trip

CFWI trip to The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel at the Lowry Theatre.

Scrabble Group

Whitley Village Hall Whitley, United Kingdom

Craft Group

Whitley Village Hall Whitley, United Kingdom

Art Group

Whitley Village Hall Whitley, United Kingdom

CFWI zoom meeting

Discussing next year’s resolution choices

Baking Beauties

Whitley Village Hall Whitley, United Kingdom

Mince Pies

December Meeting – Christmas Party

Whitley Village Hall Whitley, United Kingdom

Our Christmas Party. Tickets are £5 and will include buffet style refreshments. Please book your place with Pat Sharp if you have not already done so. We have over 50 members booked in for an evening of festive fun. Competition is for a Christmas Hat. No presents required but you can bring seasonal items for us to donate to the local food bank Doors opening at 7.15pm

Book Club

Whitley Village Hall Whitley, United Kingdom

Force of Nature. Please note that there will be no January meeting.

Craft Group

Whitley Village Hall Whitley, United Kingdom

No December meeting.