The craft group had a great meeting in January learning about crochet work. Our old friend Joan Pattinson came along to share the many items that she had made over the last 40 years, including one of her very first projects. She had a wonderful display of different items – mats, toys, flowers and her latest project, a beautiful colourful bobble hat. She also had lots of books and magazines with some amazing pieces of work that we could aspire to!
Joan had printed off some instructions for us all to follow and, ably assisted by Annette, she demonstrated how to hold the hook, wrap the wool around our fingers and get started. We all managed to make a chain, though some of us struggled to turn around to get a more substantial piece of work! Several did manage to produce a very respectable ‘square’ of crochet, and the terms ‘double’ and ‘treble’ crochet started to make sense.
It was a real fun afternoon, as ever the mistakes all added to the entertainment. Lovely home made cookies were a bonus!
Thanks very much to Joan for her expertise, Annette for keeping us all on track and to Joan B for handling the refreshments!
Next month we will be discussing ideas for what classes we might want to take part in at the Cheshire Show, our WI hopes to have lots of entries in 2023